

Stress Relief for Families with ADHD: The Value of Mindfulness, by Mark Bertin MD

Stress Relief for Families with ADHD: The Value of Mindfulness

The concept of stress relief has far greater implications for families with ADHD than it might seem. That’s because parenting a child with ADHD is demanding, with its impact on parents often underappreciated. There is a common insinuation that ADHD is not “real.” Some people think parents just need to […]

Imagination and Play are Essential to Healthy Childhoods, by Brenna M. Hicks PhD

Imagination and Play are Essential to Healthy Childhoods

Have you taken time lately to witness your child’s imagination at work? Just stood and observed as creative play unfolded in front of you, without prompts or coaching? Children at play are in their most natural and happy state. Through your child’s play, you can witness the development of character […]

Family Values: What Children Learn from Parents, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Family Values: What Children Learn from Parents

The phrase “family values” conjures an array of reactions in today’s politically charged world. And that’s a shame. Because whether our family values are conservative or liberal, they shouldn’t really change the ideals we hold for raising and educating our children. Family values have far too long been associated with […]

Science Experiments for Kids: Making Learning Fun, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Science Experiments for Kids: Making Learning Fun

If you’re looking for creative science experiments for kids, we’ve got some great resources for you! Whether or not you have a budding ecologist, neuroscientist, or engineer, all children gain important abilities when parents support and encourage doing at-home, easy science experiments. For kids of all ages, the benefits are […]

Cheating in School: Learning vs. Mastery, by Rick Ackerly M.Ed

Cheating in School: Learning vs. Mastery

To banish cheating in school, we must change the culture of school. To change the culture, we have to measure what matters. Students don’t cheat when the culture values speaking up, asking questions, and making a difference to others, because cheating serves no purpose. When students are on a mission, […]

Mentoring Youth: Being a Good Teacher and Helpful Friend, by Varda Meyers Epstein

Mentoring Youth: Being a Good Teacher and Helpful Friend

Robert Moskovits began mentoring David* at a summer camp when David was 12. For the next four summers, the two spent time together during camp sessions, chatting about the deep stuff in life. Even after David was too old for camp, Robert stayed in touch, calling him from time to […]

All Children Have Special Needs, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

All Children Have Special Needs

Do you parent, teach, or mentor a child with special needs? Of course you do! As you know, the term special needs is most often associated with disabilities. It usually refers to a child who needs special assistance or accommodations for medical, psychological, or learning deficits. But have we allowed […]

Is Your Child Prepared for Lifelong Learning? by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Is Your Child Prepared for Lifelong Learning?

Lifelong learning is a buzzword in 21st century education. And for good reason. Becoming a seeker of lifelong learning is critical in today’s fast-changing world. Learning is not only a matter of absorbing information but a process of developing many other internal skills, like curiosity, perseverance, and the ability to […]

Entitlement: Feelings that Follow Students to College, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Entitlement: Feelings that Follow Students to College

You’ve likely heard the term entitlement, defined by the American Psychiatric Association as “unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with expectations.” In today’s college environment, a new term has emerged called academic entitlement. It refers to a student’s expectation that they receive high grades, regardless of performance. While it’s […]

The Role of Heroes for Children, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

The Role of Heroes for Children

For thousands of years, heroic stories have been used to inspire, motivate, and transfer cultural values to children. The stories have a common pattern. They begin with a likeable hero who encounters a challenge or roadblock in life. And then, with the help of others, the hero emerges from the […]

Parent Engagement: A Paradigm Shift, by Marilyn Price-Mitchell PhD

Parent Engagement: A Paradigm Shift

Years of academic studies have shown that parent engagement is linked to children’s academic, social, and emotional development. But what is parent engagement? And how must it shift to meet the increasing demands of 21st century learners? Many equate parent engagement to volunteering, school governance, and fundraising. While these activities are […]
